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How to debug programs

While developing applications with BlocksDS you will reach situations where you need to debug your code. There are different ways to do this with BlocksDS, and they are described below.

1. Regular text console

printf-debugging is the most basic way to debug code, but it’s still very useful so it’s worth mentioning it.

It’s very easy to setup libnds so that the output of printf() is sent to a text console on the screen. All you have to do is:


printf("This is a debug message: %d", 123);

By default, all text sent to stdout and stderr will be directed to this console after it is initialized.

Check this example to see it in action.

Note that if you initialize the console like this, it will setup the sub screen to only display the text console, which can be very limiting if your application is already using that screen for something else. You can use consoleInit() to initialize the console in a more specialized way. Check the examples to see how to use this function.

You can check this example for a more advanced setup that allows you to display text over a 3D scene. You can set it up over other 2D layers as well.

2. no$gba-style console

If you don’t have any available memory or background layer to display the text console, it’s possible to setup libnds so that stderr is redirected to the debug console of no$gba (debugger version) instead of a text console on the screen. It also works in melonDS.

This has the advantage of being less invasive for your application, and it will let you copy-paste text in case you want to use that for something.

In no$gba, you can see the messages this “Window” > “TTY Debug Messages”. You can switch between messages sent by the ARM7 and ARM9 by changing the selected CPU in the debugger with “Window” > “ARM9 (Main CPU)” and “Window” > “ARM7 (Sub CPU)”.

For melonDS you need to launch the emulator from the command line with a command like melonDS your_rom.nds. This way, melonDS will print all messages to the console you launched the emulator from. You can’t switch between CPUs, so all messages are printed to the same console (you will need to add a way to identify the messages in your code if they can happen from both CPUs).

To use it, follow the instructions below.

In the ARM7 the default behaviour is to send stderr messages to this console, so you don’t need to do initialize anything. In the ARM9 you need to enable it by doing this:

// Redirect stderr to the no$gba debug console. By default both stdout and
// stderr are redirected to the libnds console.

After that, you can send messages to the console like this (it will automatically insert a new line after the message):

fprintf(stderr, "Debug message!");

Remember to check the example to see how to do it in a real application.

Note that the string can contain special parameters that will be filled in by the emulator:

The ascii string may contain parameters, defined as %param%:

  • r0, r1, … r15: Show register value as a hexadecimal number.
  • sp, lr, pc: Same as r13, r14 and r15.
  • scanline: Current scanline number.
  • frame: Number of frames since boot.
  • totalclks: Number of clocks since boot.
  • lastclks: Number of clocks since the last lastclks or zeroclks.
  • zeroclks: Reset the lastclks counter.

From C you can use them like this (note that you need to use %% because % by itself is used to format strings!):

fprintf(stderr, "Frame: %%frame%%\n");

More information here.

4. assert(), sassert() and debug builds of libnds

libnds has a release and a debug build. The difference is whether assertions are enabled or not.

libnds has a function called sassert(), which is similar to assert() from libc. It uses it internally in many places to detect problems like setting up backgrounds with invalid parameters, or using values outside of their valid ranges.

Also, it is possible to use the standard assert() function of libc. If the expression fails on the ARM9, it will stop the program and print an error message on the screen. On the ARM7 it will print a message to the no$gba/melonDS console and stop execution.

It’s always a good idea to use this function in your code to warn the developer about problems that need to be fixed, but that can’t happen during normal execution of the program. For errors that may happen during normal execution of the program (like running out of RAM or VRAM) you shouldn’t use assert(). You should never check the return value of malloc() with it, for example. You can use it to check that the background layer you are using is between 0 and 3.

The release build of libnds doesn’t include any assertion, the debug build does. However, lots of sassert() calls are present in headers of libnds, and they will be compiled in or not depending on the build setup of your program.

In order to do a proper release build you need to add -DNDEBUG to the CFLAGS of your Makefile, and you need to use -lnds9 in LIBS.

To do a debug build, leave CFLAGS without -DNDEBUG, and add -lnds9d to LIBS instead of -lnds9.

You need to do the same in the ARM7 (with -lnds7 and -lnds7d instead).

5. No$gba debugger

No$gba debugger version has an impressive debugger that lets you see the disassembly of the code running on the emulator, the contents of the RAM, the state of all I/O registers, even the state of VRAM and the commands sent to the 3D GPU and their effect.

This emulator isn’t as accurate as melonDS, but it’s definitely a great tool to have in your arsenal. You can download it here.

This website has lots of screenshots of the debugger so that you can get an idea of what it is capable of.

6. Exception handler

libnds comes with an exception handler that can help you debug some crashes in your program. It appears as a red screen that says “Guru Meditation Error!” followed by a lot of information:

Exception handler

You can enable it by calling this function, preferably right at the start of main():


For the ARM9, if you are using the debug build of libnds, this exception handler is setup by default, so you don’t need to call this function. However, you need to call it in release builds. Release builds by default have a much basic exception handler that will only print an error message on the screen, with no additional information.

For the ARM7, the exception handler must be enabled by hand in all builds. This means that you need a combined ARM7+ARM9 project if you want to use it. This is done because the ARM7 has a lot less space for code than the ARM9 (and normally developers focus on the ARM9 only) so there isn’t a good reason to add unused code to all ARM7 binaries for just a small percentage of users. If you want to enable the debug handler, call defaultExceptionHandler(), just like in the ARM9.

The exception handler is used whenever:

  • The CPU tries to execute an undefined instruction.

    This usually means that the CPU is executing memory that isn’t code, which can mean anything from memory corruption to a function pointer that was invalid.

    libnds sometimes deliberately executes an undefined instruction to crash in a controlled way.

  • The CPU tries to access memory that is protected (data abort) (ARM9 only).

    This happens because libnds setups the MPU (Memory Protection Unit) in a way that only lets the CPU access addresses where there is actual memory. The 32-bit address space of the CPUs is too big for all the memory available on the NDS, there are large gaps between different memory regions. Accessing the gaps will cause a data abort. Also, the MPU has been setup to cause data aborts if the program tries to write to read-only memory (like the BIOS).

    Note that on a DSi the GBA slot memory isn’t accessible. This may cause programs to crash if they haven’t been tested on a DSi before. You can solve this issue by checking isDSiMode() before accessing the GBA slot memory.

    Normally this error means that you have a pointer that doesn’t point to valid memory and you have tried to access it.

    Note that the ARM7 doesn’t have an MPU and this kind of exception can never be triggered.

  • There is a critical internal error in libnds.

    In some situations it is possible that libnds detects an error that the code can’t recover from. In this kind of cases, the exception handler will be shown with an error message appropriate for the situation (like “Stack corruption”).

Check this example to see it in action. Note that this will only work in melonDS and on hardware. Other emulators won’t emulate it at all.

6.1 How to use all the information on the screen?

The most important thing on the screen are the values of pc and addr at the top of the screen. pc says what’s the address where the CPU crashed. You can translate this to an address in your code by running addr2line in your terminal. For example:

/opt/wonderful/toolchain/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-addr2line \
    -e build/debug_exception_handler.elf -a 0x2001252

Another option (that can be more useful!) is to use objdump to generate a text file with the assembly code of your program. The templates and examples have a Makefile target to do this for you. For ARM9-only projects, run:

make dump

For combined ARM7+ARM9 projects, run:

make -f Makefile.arm9 dump
make -f Makefile.arm7 dump

With this, all you have to do is to open the resulting dump file in a text editor and look for the address on the screen.

Also, if you understand assembly language, you can try to use the rest of the information on the screen to try to understand what the code was doing when it crashed.

7. Stack overflows

A very common bug found while developing DS applications is stack overflows. BlocksDS places the user stack starting at the top address of DTCM. DTCM is a very fast memory region, so it’s very useful to keep your stack here so that your program runs generally fast.

However, this memory region is small (16 KiB) and the start of DTCM may contain variables that you have asked the compiler to place in DTCM. This means that, in practice, your stack isn’t that big.

You should be very careful and avoid allocating big arrays in structs. This is especially true if your code is running in an interrupt handler. printf() uses a lot of stack to work, so it can be a cause for crashes.

You should allocate anything bigger than one or two KBs on the heap with malloc() or similar functions.

You can read more about how memory is used in BlocksDS in this document.

Other types of stack overflows happen when you, for example, allocate an array on the stack by declaring it at the top of a function, and you have a loop that writes into that array, but it goes over the end of the array.

It is possible to detect this kind of bugs by using the stack protector of the compiler. Normally it is disabled because it increases the code footprint, but you can enable it by editing your Makefile and adding -fstack-protector-strong to your CFLAGS and switching from using -lnds9 in LIBS to using -lnds9d.

If the stack protection code detects stack corruption, libnds will cause an exception to crash the game in a controlled way. You can then check the value of lr in the exception handler screen to see where the exception was triggered from.

Check this example to see it in action.

8. GDB with melonDS and DeSmuME

8.1 Introduction

DeSmuME has support for GDB. MelonDS also has (experimental) support for GDB. You can use this to connect to the emulator from a debugger and debug your programs with any command line or GUI tool that supports GDB.

You need a version of GDB that supports the 32 bit ARM architecture, like gdb-multiarch. If you’re in Ubuntu, you can install it with:

sudo apt install gdb-multiarch

8.2 DeSmuME

Start DeSmuME from the command line like this to start GDB and tell the emulator which ports to use for the GDB server:

desmume --arm9gdb 3333 --arm7gdb 3334 your_project.nds

You can start GDB in one core or in both of them.

Emulation will start stopped so that you can debug your program from the start.

8.3 melonDS

In melonDS, go to: “Config” > “Emu settings” > “Devtools”

From there, make sure that “Enable GDB stub” is checked.

You can decide to start the debugging session from the start of the program by checking “Break on startup”. If you don’t check it, the emulator will run until GDB connects to it.

8.4 Connecting from GDB

If you’re using a graphical debugger, you will need to point it to the elf file of your program. Check the build folder after building your program. If your program is an ARM9-only program, there will only be one elf file there, which has the symbols for the ARM9. If your program is a combined ARM7+ARM9 program, you will see two elf files, one for each CPU.

If you want to debug the ARM7 in an ARM9-only project, the elf file that you need to use is in $(BLOCKSDS)/sys/default_arm7/arm7.elf.

You will need a different GDB session for each CPU you want to debug (open GDB once per CPU).

If you’re using the command line version of GDB, you can load the elf file with:

file build/your_project.elf

Then, connect to the emulator with this (use the correct port specified in the melonDS GUI):

target remote localhost:3333

If you are using DeSmuME or you used the “Break on startup” option in melonDS, type:


If you haven’t used that option, GDB will stop the emulation when it connects. To resume it, type:


You can exit GDB with:
